Acute Low-Permeable Leukemia

What is Acute Low-Permeable Leukemia?

Acute low-grade leukemia – any acute leukemia with a low, regardless of treatment, and slowly increasing blastosis in the blood and bone marrow. According to the FAB classification, low-grade acute leukemia – refractory anemia with blastosis less than 30. Tumor progression leads this form of leukemia to total blastosis with a poor response to cytostatic therapy. Rare improvements tend to be short-lived.

It is often difficult to distinguish acute low-percentage leukemia from subleukemic myelosis with low leukocytosis or even leukopenia. The bone marrow culture helps to differentiate these forms of leukemia: an agar culture that characterizes granulocyte-monocytic progenitor cells, and a monolayer culture of bone marrow fibroblasts. In acute low-grade leukemia, granulocyte-monocytic precursor cells in agar give a low colony formation efficiency, while in subleukemic myelosis the growth of agar colonies has a hyperplastic type – the effectiveness of colony formation is high.

Bone marrow fibroblasts with acute low-grade leukemia have a high efficiency of colony formation in culture, while with subleukemic myelosis, as a rule, it is generally impossible to detect the growth of fibroblast colonies.