What is Acute Erythromyelosis (Erythroleukemia, Di Guglielmo Disease)?
Acute erythromyelosis (erythroleukemia, Di Guglielmo disease) is a form of acute leukemia characterized by the presence in the blood of a large number of nuclear red blood cells – erythro- and normoblasts.
Symptoms of Acute Erythromyelosis (Erythroleukemia, Di Guglielmo Disease)
The disease proceeds with increasing severe anemia, fever, enlarged liver and spleen, and hemorrhagic diathesis in the late stages of the disease.
Diagnosis of Acute Erythromyelosis (Erythroleukemia, Di Guglielmo Disease)
The diagnosis of erythromyelosis is based on a study of blood and bone marrow. In the blood, anemia with pronounced anisocytosis, a significant number of erythroblasts at different stages of maturation, the number of leukocytes can vary from 3000 to 25 000-30 000, thrombocytopenia. In the late period of the disease, the blood picture is characterized by a predominance of blast cells. The bone marrow is rich in immature red cells, often similar to megaloblasts. The disease usually progresses rapidly; the prognosis is in most cases unfavorable.
Treatment of Acute Erythromyelosis (Erythroleukemia, Di Guglielmo Disease)
The treatment for erythromyelosis is the same as for acute leukemia.